Ravi Singh is forced to shut down Super Sikh Comics

Posted by Ravi Singh

Sunday, July 19, 2020

Ravi Singh shut downs Super Sikh Comics in 2016 only after second edition and ends child hood dream due to Trademark challenge by DC Comics and copycat. "It was his child hood dream. He had the rights but another person stole it just by a few days. He hopes to relaunch one day.

Ravi Singh shuts down Super Sikh Comics in 2016 after only two editions released, ending childhood dream due to Trademark challenge by DC Comics and copycat. It was his childhood dream. He had the rights but another person stole it just by a few days. He hopes to relaunch one day.

Malude, N. & Dogra, A. (2015, April 20). Super Sikh vs Raj Singh: Will the real Sikh superhero please stand up? https://www.hindustantimes.com/books/super-sikh-vs-raj-singh-will-the-real-sikh-superhero-please-stand-up/story-ETIHWtjm2q3Wu0iz0TJnqI.html

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