
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Donald Trump's Family Entangled In Online Drama

Donald Trump's Family Entangled In Online Drama

Segarra, L. (2018, March 2). Ask Your Wife to Stop Calling Me.’ Ashe responded to a tweet by him about the British prime minister. Alec Baldwin Fires Back at Donald Trump in Twitter Spat. Retrieved from  

The article explores the tweet which caused a spur as Alec Baldwin fired back at Donald Trump asking him to tell the wife to stop calling him. The article begins with a brief discussion of what actually led to the situation at hand and describes President Donald Trump as fond of television critic on Saturday Night Live. The author shares with the readers the tweet from Donald Trump which resulted in the fierce response from Alex Baldwin and clarifies that the tweet has long been deleted. @realDonaldTrump “Alex Baldwin, whose dying mediocre career was saved by his impersonation of me on SNL, now says playing DJT was agony for him Alex, it was also agony for those who forced to watch. You were terrible. Bring back Darell Hammond, much funnier and a far greater talent!” In a comeback, Alex twitted that Melenia Trump should stop asking for the Saturday Night Live tickets. The article simply delights the readers with the drama but does not offer a stand on the issue or any lessons learnt from it.

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