
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

How Will Trump's War On the Press End?

How Will Trump's War On the Press End?

Lafrance, A. (2017, February 27). How does Donald Trump think his war on the press will end? Retrieved from

The author begins with a powerful introduction on the relationship that American presidents have had with the press explaining that they have always clashed. The author enlightens the audience that in the past, the chief executive had no choice but to interact with journalists. However, today the internet has changed things and today, the president can simply pass across a message by writing a few lines on his computer or phone and hitting the send buttons. President Donald Trump is one of the biggest beneficiaries of the internet, as the press are not exactly his friend, the president and his team have become very fond of the use of twitter for communication. He uses it to appeal to emotion and threaten the press. This according to the author is quite shocking and yet Trump might just get his way by simply telling the people what they already believe which according to the author, this will help win them.


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