
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump Can't Block More of His Followers

Trump Can't Block More of His Followers

Breuninger, K & Mangan, D. (May 23, 2018). Trump can’t block Twitter followers, federal judge says. Retrieved from

This article reviews the judgement made by federal judge, Judge Naomi Reice Buchwald in New York City regarding to President Donald Trump blocking his followers on Twitter. In her ruling, she stated that Twitter is a “designated public forum” and therefore Trump cannot block his followers, but on the other hand had rejected an argument brought forward by the Justice Department whereby due to his “associational freedoms,” Trump could block his followers. Additionally, at least 150 other Twitter users, though unverified have been blocked by Donald Trump and this follows that he is an avid Twitter user because immediately after the ruling was made by Judge Naomi, Trump tweeted: “WITCH HUNT!” This is despite the massive following that Trump enjoys on Twitter, 52.2 million followers with a vast number of tweets surpassing 37,600 times and it impacts all other public officials who use Twitter as a platform for communicating with their constituents.

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