
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump's Move to Plan the Next Phase of His Post Presidency

Trump's Move to Plan the Next Phase of His Post Presidency

Cillizza, C. (2021, March 30). Donald Trump's post-presidency is exactly as weird as you                thought it would be. CNN.   post-presidency-mar-a-lago/index.html

After being acquitted for the second time by the senate, Trump made a move to plan the next phase of his post presidency. The author suggests that Trump was in hibernation and was expected to reemerge after the trial. The author also notes that Trump is eyeing ways to reaffirm his power. Trump still is popular among the GOP base but there is a number of Republicans in Washington who has cooled to him. It was a first for seven Republicans to vote after him. Some Republicans are expected to work “counter efforts by Trump to support extreme candidates in next year’s congressional primaries.” Trump's friends and allies expect him to resume media interviews. They believe that after meeting with political aides to discuss how to help Republicans take control of the House and Senate in the 2022 midterm elections. The author states that Trump is still fixated on exacting revenge on the few Republicans that supported his impeachment or didn’t support his efforts to overturn the November elections results. Graham, R-S.C., told “Fox News Sunday.” That his goal is to win in 2022 so that he can stop the most radical agenda coming from Joe Biden. He added that he can’t do that without Trump and that the MAGA movement needs to continue.

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