
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Twitter Disables and then Reactivated Trump's Tweet

Twitter Disables and then Reactivated Trump's Tweet  

Serrieh, J. (2020, December 12). Twitter disables and reactivates retweets on US President Trumps       election fraud tweets. Al Arabiya             English.           disables-reactivates-retweets-on-US-President-Trump-s-election-fraud-tweets

On December 12 2020, Twitter disabled and then reactivated Trump's tweet. Twitter acknowledged that their intention was to prevent the tweet from reaching more people. The tweet read “I WON THE ELECTION IN A LANDSLIDE, but remember, I only think in terms of legal votes, not all of the fake voters and fraud that miraculously floated in from everywhere! What a disgrace!”

The election fraud tweet had its retweet, like, and reply deactivated. Twitter shortly reactivated the engagement options allowing the users to like, retweet, and reply on the tweet. However, they left a label on the tweet stating that the claim about election fraud were disputed. According to the author, the decision by Twitter was to allow the US Electoral College to continue with their meeting where they would cast votes and make Biden’s win official.

Good Karma for those who comment...