
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

10 Tweets Which Helped People Use Social Media Voice to Share Important Events

10 Tweets Which Helped People Use Social Media Voice to Share Important Events

Katrandjian, O. & M. (December 1, 2011). The Year According to Twitter: 2011's Top Tweets. Retrieved from

This article has put together a number of 10 tweets which helped people to use social media voice to share important events which united people that could be thousands of miles away to be together in 2011. The tweets are a review of what the company believed to be the “best” and had an “impact, resonance, and relevance,” whereby big stories were being first broken on twitter. Technology was slowly pulling people of the same mindset together and enabling them to air their opinion without being forced. The article demystifies how 70,000 followers of an account on twitter came together to clean up London after its streets were dirtied in August 2011. “An account on Twitter called @riotcleanup gained over 70,000 followers and brought together those who wanted to help.” Another important review was the earthquake and tsunami that hit Japan on March 11, 2011 because social media was used as a tool to ensure that friends and family were safe while emergency response information was being publicized.

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