Analyzing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s Tweeting Strategies
Analyzing Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s Tweeting Strategies
Grover, S. (2016). Clinton vs. Trump 2016: Analyzing and visualizing tweets and sentiments of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton. (2016). Analytics Experience. Retrieved from
In this article, Grover provides a brief analysis of Donald Trump and Hillary Clinton’s tweeting strategies. The author examined the overall sentiments generated by the two political candidates during their 2016 presidential campaigns on Twitter. According to the author, Twitter played an important role in disseminating news and political opinions of the two candidates as they reached out to millions of Americans for votes. Grover notes that even though Clinton’s tweets were generally associated with positive sentiments, the candidate fell short in terms followership and engagement as opposed to Donald Trump. On the other hand, Trump tweets mostly generated negative sentiments since they focused on criticizing the media as opposed to more policy issues. Nevertheless, Trump’s tweets were often retweeted by his supporters twice as much as those of Clinton’s. This article illustrates the importance of follower engagement in leadership processes. Indeed, Donald Trump’s popularity was enhanced by the level of his engagement with his followers.
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