
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Does Trump Dislike Tweeting?

Trump Say's He Dislike's Tweeting?

Bump, P. (2017, January 18). Trump says he dislikes tweeting. America says it dislikes his tweets. Retrieved from

This article by Philip Bump generally considers the view Americans have on President Trump’s tweets and his view towards tweeting America. The author obtains information on President Trump’s view from an interview of Donald on fox news. President Trump says that he does not like tweeting and it is rather his only way of properly reaching out to the citizens. However, the author disagrees and terms it at falsehood. The author notes that the president tweets an average of 10.8 times a day. He also says that based on President Trump’s tweets, it is also false that he tweets to counteract the media. On the other hand, a poll by wall street journal reveals that most of the Americans dislike his tweeting habits and tendencies especially the attacks on individuals and reacting to news rather than using a more formal platform. President Trump’s tweets definitely affect many people on a personal level and exposes his true nature to the world.  

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