Donald Trump Will Not Be Attending Wednesday Inauguration
Donald Trump Will Not Be Attending Wednesday Inauguration
Cohen, Zachary. "How Trump Will Hand off the 'nuclear Football' to Biden." CNN. Last modified January 19, 2021.
Reports show that Donald Trump is not going to be at the inauguration come January 20th. Donald Trump’s absence at the event may seem less important but it will have some impact on what may be one of the important moments during the inauguration Day, and that is passing of the “nuclear football.” It consists the tools the president would use to authenticate his orders and launch a nuclear strike, so it is always near him. The “football” is handed over at the inauguration because the military aide who carries it must remain next to the president until the very end. So, it is suspected that Donald Trump will be headed for Florida after leaving Washington DC, and since the military aide must be next to him, there might be a need to have two nuclear footballs. One with Donald Trump, and the other with Joe Biden. CNN clarifies that, the football does not contain the nuclear button to launch a nuclear as many believe, rather it contains equipment and the authorities, Donald Trump would need to order a strike. After the transfer of power, Donald Trump will no longer have the power to authorize a nuclear launch. So, after 12:00 noon, Joe Biden will take over that power. The codes needed to authorize the launch will expire that moment and cannot be used at 12:01pm.
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