
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Donald Trump's Social Media Voice Is Simple And Easily Understood By His Followers

Donald Trump's Social Media Voice Was Simple And Easily Understood By His Followers

Tauberg, M. (2018, October 31). Analyzing Trump's tweets. The Startup. Retrieved from

In this article, Tauberg provides a comprehensive analysis of Donald Trump’s language on Twitter. The author notes that Trump’s use of social media, particularly Twitter, while still in office as the U.S. president is unprecedented. In fact, the excessive tweeting tendency of the leader has made it easier for people to understand his thought processes and communication strategies on the platform. According to Tauberg, one thing that stands outs from Trump’s tweets is the simplicity of language used. The leader’s social media lingo encompasses simple vocabulary that can be understood by many people. The language is concise and clear. Moreover, Trump tends to use a varying tone in his tweets to match the sentiments of his audience. For instance, while most of his tweets reflect positivity and confidence, tweets directed at his enemies or opponents tend to have negative sentiment and tones. This article is extremely important as it provides valuable insights into what makes Donald Trump’s tweets effective and powerful.

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