Donald Trump's Social Media Voice was shaped by a unique Choice of Tone in his Tweets
Donald Trump's Social Media Voice was shaped by a unique Choice of Tone in his Tweets
Turk, V. (2018, July 23). Why Donald Trump's all-caps tweet seems REALLY SHOUTY AND SCARY. Retrieved from
Turk addresses one of the most debated tweets by Donald trump in 2018, which was an all-caps. The tweet happened to annoy quite a group of people as they deemed as threatening to go to war with Iran. The authors share analysis of the tweet by Caroline Tagg, a lecturer in applied linguistics. She stated that the use of all-caps is today associated with two things i.e., importance and volume of the message. Importance means that Trump was trying to stress the message in a normal tone. However, digital communication is different, and volume here means that he was angry and shouting. She adds that digital communication lacks actual tone of voice and facial expressions, and capitalization or punctuations may take different meanings. The message was supposed to come out forceful; that’s why he starts with small letters and then an all-caps of the main message. Philip Seargean, while addressing the matter, mentioned that one year and 6months in office, Trump is still able to generate interest simply by how he does something like how he tweets since the media were all addressing how he used all-caps in his tweet.
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