
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Donald Trump’s Tweets Were Personalized to Specific Topics of Interest

Donald Trump’s Tweets Often Were Personalized to Specific Topics of Interest

Di Gangi, P. M., & Wasko, M. M. (2016). Social media engagement theory: Exploring the influence of user engagement on social media usage. Journal of Organizational and End User Computing, 28(2), 53-73. doi:10.4018/joeuc.2016040104

In this journal article, Di Gangi and Wasko sought to examine how user engagement influences the use of social media platforms among different people and organizations. In particular, the authors attempt to convince the readers that user engagement is a mental state that influences user experiences and their behavior in social media. Based on the definition, it is easy to understand how the social media voice of political leaders influences the level of engagement of their followers. For instance, Donald Trump’s tweets often appear personalized to specific topics of interest. Consequently, his tweets usually catch the attention of many people and generate a lot of discussions. In this way, Donald Trump's social media voice inspire a higher user engagement on Twitter. This article is very important for understanding how leaders can use their social media voice to increase their online presence as well as their followers’ engagement.  

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