
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Donald Trump's Twitter, 2009-2017

Donald Trump's Twitter, 2009-2017

Bump, P. (July 3, 2017). The evolution of Donald Trump, as seen in his Fourth of July tweets. Retrieved from

This article is a full analysis on Donald Trump since he joined Twitter and the changes that have been witnessed over the period between 2009 and 2017. He is an individual that was an entrepreneur, but now he’s the President of the United States of America and it has been an evolution throughout that period from a simple person into a politician that is aggressive and confrontational. Regarding the Fourth of July, Trump has been using a different tone in the recent years of that period because the past years had a different tone as well. In 2009, he tweeted, “Here's to a safe and happy Independence Day for one and all - Enjoy it! --Donald J. Trump,” which was a straightforward tweet. However, starting 2012, his behavior started to change because the tweets were outrageous, and in 2016 his celebration was from a professional perspective while using an image, but quickly reverted to his persona of attacking Hillary and Obama.

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