Donald Trump's Use of Capitalization and Excessive Exclamation Points
Donald Trump's Use of Capitalization and Excessive Exclamation Points In Tweets Shows that He Shared in the Sentiments of Most Americans
Adams, A., Miles, J., Dunbar, N. E., & Giles, H. (2018). Communication accommodation in text messages: Exploring liking, power, and sex as predictors of textisms. The Journal of Social Psychology, 158(4), 474-490. doi:10.1080/00224545.2017.1421895
This journal article focuses on how textual-based cues are strategically used to convey different meanings in both intrapersonal and interpersonal online interactions. Aiming at a general audience, the authors examine how aspects such as liking, power, and gender can be used to predict the use of text-based nonverbal cues in digital platforms. The authors focused on how digital cues, such as intentional misspellings, excessive capitalization, and emoticons communicate relational connotation, emotion, and personality in online conversations. This article is crucial in understanding the social media tone of political leaders by examining their conversations on Twitter. Furthermore, the paper sheds more light on how leaders use textual-based cues like capitalization and deliberate grammatical errors to emphasize their followers' sentiments and, consequently, win their support. Notably, Donald Trump often uses capitalization and excessive exclamation points in his tweets to show that he shares the sentiments of most Americans. For instance, the political leader is fond of tweeting in capital letters the phrase "make America great again."
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