
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

First Amendment and Trump's Blocking Opponents on Twitter

First Amendment and Trump's Blocking Opponents on Twitter

Sullum, J. (June 6, 2018). Telling Trump to Stop Blocking Critics on Twitter Doesn’t Affect the Platforms Rule. Retrieved from

This article is a review of the ruling on the First Amendment which was against Donald Trump blocking his critics on twitter whereby in an analysis of the social media companies, they are private platforms. It therefore, follows that regulating user’s speech in a not good because if the First Amendment is applied on the social media platforms, limiting fake news, online harassment, and hate speech will be hard or even be impossible. "Applying the First Amendment to social media will make it harder or even impossible for the platforms to limit fake news, online harassment and hate speech—precisely the serious social ills that the world is calling on them to address." It is a precise and clear warning because in the current era of official media usage, government officials have consistently embraced social media to open and run accounts to communicate with the citizens and aimed at conducting the business of the government.

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