
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

How is Trump Communicating Amid Social Media Suspension

How is Trump Communicating Amid Social Media Suspension

O'Dell, L. (2021, June 27). Twitter responds to Trump’s first rally since leaving the White House. Indy100 | News | Politics | YouTube and TikTok News.

Late June, Donald Trump held another press release in Wellington, Ohio where he raised his issues over a number of issues. He addressed the 2020 elections and criticized the work done by the current President Joe Biden. Trump said that Joe Biden is squandering all this hard-earned respect that we have – or had – bowing down to our enemies and embarrassing our country on the world stage.” He also added that the Vice president and the military generals are also failing the company. Trump feels that the military is not focusing on defending the country anymore. The author also mentions that Trump referred to his 2 wins, meaning the 2016 elections and the 2020 elections which he never conceded defeat. Trump also gave a hint of running again for president when he said “we won the election twice and it’s possible we’ll have to win it a third time. It’s possible.”

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