
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

How Many Times Did Trump Use the Word Neurotic in His Tweets?

How Many Times Did Trump Use the Word Neurotic in His Tweets?

Marshall, J. (2016, September 21). Inside the Trump Twitter Archive. Retrieved from

This article by josh Marshall is about Donald Trump’s tweets and the tiny bits of information obtained from them. The information is obtained from Trump Twitter Archive. This information includes the number of times President Trump has used the word neurotic which, according to the article is three times to three different people. The article also reveals that Trump has used ‘sad’ in his tweets 60 times, birth certificate 15 times, weak 89 times, pathetic 55 times, illegals 43 times and stamina 19 times. This article also includes a tweet sample from trump twitter archive regarding the death of the health officer who verified Obama’s birth certificate. This article only touches on a bit of the facts and figures on the keywords search from Trump Twitter Archive.

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