
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Is Trump Sliding to Online Irrelevance?

Is Trump Sliding to Online Irrelevance?

Harwell, D., & Dawsey, J. (2021, May 21). Trump is sliding toward online irrelevance. His new blog isn’t helping. The Washington Post.

This article addresses Trump’s new communication platform and says that he is sliding to online irrelevance. The author states that Trump’s online talk has plunged to a five-year low and that he has been banned from major social media platforms. Trumps website and the blog section where he is communicating with the people is reported to have received fewer visitors. Regardless of the numbers, the author states that Trump is still by far the Republicans party biggest star and most leaders are are pledging loyalty to him ahead of 2020 midterm elections. Also, those who are likely to succeed him have said that they are not going to run for presidency if he runs in 2024. However, his online support is said to have dropped sharply after he was banned from Twitter and suspended on Facebook. The author states that social engagement measured in number of likes, reactions, comments, and shares nosedived 95% since January to its lowest since 2016. Some people in Trump’s circle are reported to have said that he is complaining his statements are getting as much attention as they used to get before. Trump is said to have resigned to his banishment from Facebook and he is uninterested in joining other conservative friendly online alternatives. The author states that Trump’s team is working on a project called “Trump media Group” which will launch in summer and will include a new social media platform owned by Trump himself. Although Trump is working on developing a new platform, the author notes that it is difficult to compete with the Big Tech social media which have spent years and billions of dollars shaping the most popular sites. His absence on these platforms could undermine his image of post presidential power.

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