
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Monitoring Tools to Help in Understanding How Political Candidates Influence Public Opinion

Monitoring Tools to Help in Understanding How Political Candidates Influence Public Opinion  

Cornfield, M. (2017). Empowering the party-crasher: Donald J. Trump, the First 2016 GOP presidential debate, and the Twitter marketplace for political campaigns. Journal of Political Marketing, (just-accepted).

According to Cornfield, social media monitoring tools can help enhance our understanding of how political candidates influence public opinion by analyzing the words and phrases they use. After analyzing a total 1200 tweets sent between July 30 and August 15 2015, the author says that it helps understand how Donald Trump escaped political punishment from party and media elites since in his communication he had subverted Republican and US norms for candidate behavior. The study says that Trump had poor performance from the debate. However, his social media voice changed the minds of most Americans who voted for him in the end. Trump’s proper choice of keywords resonated with most of the voters during the campaign period. Thus, he was regarded as a populist politician. According to Cornfield, elites disapproved how Donald Trump handled the debate and this warranted declined public support. However, the presence of social media voice helped Trump’s succeed. His use of Twitter and social media in general was unique and it resonated with most Americans. The study noted that there was high user engagement on Twitter posts with the hashtag #GOPDebate and other keywords like political correctness and illegal immigration that resonated with the users. Use of certain terms and phrases is said to have favored the Republicans more so it proved the huge support that Trump has on social media.  

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