The Media Focuses More on Trump Tweets than What He Does in Real Life
The Media Focuses More on Trump Tweets than What He Does in Real Life
Cillizza, C. (2017, June 5). Why we should never, ever ignore Donald Trump's tweets. Retrieved from
In this article, Cillizza, an Editor-at-large on CNN, provides a detailed explanation of why President Donald Trump’s posts on Twitter should not be overlooked. Notably, Trump’s advisers often accuse the media of concentrating too much on what the president posts on his Twitter account while ignoring the important things he does in real life. In fact, the advisers claim that people should understand that anyone is free to express his mind on social media, and indeed, the president is not exempted from this privilege. However, Richard insists that the president ought to be very careful with whatever he says to the public since his words are powerful. Besides, Trump often uses his personal Twitter account to issue formal statements and announcements. For this reason, his tweets cannot fail to attract the attention of the masses. Moreover, the tweets often provide invaluable insight into the personality and thought-process of the president.
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