
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump Defied the Conventional Wisdom of Becoming a US President

Trump Defied the Conventional Wisdom of Becoming a US President

Francia, P. L. (2018). Free media and Twitter in the 2016 presidential election: The unconventional campaign of Donald Trump. Social Science Computer Review, 36(4), 440-455.

According to Francia, 2016 elections results came as a surprise to many. Trump is reported to have defied all the conventional wisdom of becoming the United States president. Among the things those political experts and commentators noticed with Trump during his run for US presidency was his ability to generate considerable unpaid or free media for himself through Twitter. The study reveals that Trump without a doubt dominated the unpaid media market. Twitter has become an important channel to discuss substantive issues and clarify accusations. Trump's style proved that one does not need money or support from influential interest groups or organizations. One does not even need to be experienced in politics because Trump defied the conventional wisdom.  

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