Trump Introduces a New Form of Presidential Talk Through the Use of Twitter
Trump Introduces a New Form of Presidential Talk Through the Use of Twitter
Stolee, G. & Caton, S. (winter 2018). Twitter, Trump, and the base: A Shift to a new form of presidential talk?Retrieved from
This article closely analyzes how President Donald Trump has introduced a new form of Presidential Talk through the use of Twitter. The article further states that there exists a sociopolitical problem and it lies in the presidential speech. Trump had to win over supporters during his campaign to keep his quest of occupying the office come true and for this reason, he had a 46 percent of voters, however, the Electoral College could be in his favor. “That ceiling turned out to be approximately 46 percent of voters, not enough to claim a majority win, but just enough to swing the electoral college in his favor.” Twitter was introduced to have value in the society and it was a simple system for sharing group messages. The article explores Twitter’s history in full and why it is important as it should be noted that when one tweets, other users can retweet to disseminate information. Additionally, Trump has gained national political power through tweeting as he is vocal and determined to air his opinion anytime of the day.
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