
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump Tweets At Least Six Times Per Day

Trump Tweets At Least Six Times Per Day

Richard. (2017, November 8). #Trump - What we learned from a year's worth of Trump tweets. Retrieved from

Richard’s article highlights the main themes of some of Donald Trump’s tweets during his first year as president of the U.S. The author sampled numerous tweets obtained from Trump’s Twitter feed to get an insight into his tweeting habits. The analysis revealed that the president has a tendency to tweet at least six times per day. What is more, a single tweet for Trump usually generates nearly 98,000 likes and retweets. This shows that Trump commands a massive number of Twitter followers. Furthermore, the president has demonstrated that he likes to tweet in early morning sessions between 6 am and 9 am ET. Judging from Trump’s tweets during the past one year, it is clear that the president does not shy from speaking his mind. His posts usually portray a lot of confidence and energy. Perhaps this explains why most people find it difficult to ignore his tweets regardless of their offensive nature.

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