
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump Twitter Presence Has Changed the Way People View Social Media

Trump Twitter Presence Has Changed the Way People View Social Media

Buncombe, A. (January 17, 2018). Donald Trump one year on: How the Twitter President changed social media and the country's top office. Retrieved from

This article analyzes how President Donald Trump Twitter presence has changed the way people view social media because he starts tweeting early in the morning. It follows that they are well-thought and are effective citing that it is stated, “Yet, Mr. Trump’s tweets are also remarkably effective.” President Trump commands a following of 46.7 million and therefore, it is a communication tool he uses to air his thoughts and views, but the media focuses on them too much such that they have been criticized for doing so. The article also reports that President Trump’s tweets could be a weapon whereby the news cycle can be controlled because, “Trump uses social media as a weapon to control the news cycle. It works like a charm. His tweets are tactical rather than substantive.” More analysis implies that the President controls the agenda of media houses because they have allowed him to do so, but at times, he is only trying to divert from something that is not reported.

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