
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump Use of Twitter Storms to Make Political Weather

Trump Use of Twitter Storms to Make Political Weather

Smith, D. (December 2, 2017). How Trump uses Twitter storms to make the political weather. Retrieved from

This article is an analysis of how Donald Trump has been using Twitter to bypass media with the sole purpose of speaking directly to the public. The article analyzes how the White House Christmas reception of 2017 was very different from the previous years because as a tradition, the President greeting guests and posts for souvenir photos as the host. However, his behavior through the night was that he was tweeting from his White House residence, “The media has been speculating that I fired Rex Tillerson or that he would be leaving soon,” which was basic for his famous “fake news!” expression. His tweets seem to portray his personal achievements as he applauds his stay in office and the success he’s had, not mentioning the accomplishments as per say because the tax haul is one of them. That was not enough for him because he decided to direct his tweets at Britain’s Prime Minister, Theresa May who in turn was not happy with his sentiments.

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