Trump's Thoughts About Syria
Trump's Thoughts About Syria
Finucane, M. (April 7, 2017). ‘Stay out of Syria!’ Trump was no fan of Syria intervention in 2013. Retrieved from
This article explores Trump’s sentiment regarding Syria and if we go by the tweets he sent out back in 2013 when President Obama was the President, he was not a fan of the Syria intervention. He tweeted, “Many Syrian? rebels? are radical Jihadis. Not our friends & supporting them doesn't serve our national interest. Stay out of Syria!” it was a clear indication that what President Obama was doing never got to impress him at all. furthermore, he was simply tweeting to warn the U.S. about attacking Syria as it would cause trouble and nothing else, but his aim was for the country to be made strong and great again. When he was elected president, Trump was focused on America, but after the horrifying chemical attack in Syria, he turned around and announced that the U.S. should take a military action against Syria. To explain himself, he stated that he is a flexible person because he does not have a one specific way as his attitude changed.
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