Trump's Tweets Cause Stir
Trump's Tweets Cause Stir
Delzo, J. (July 26, 2017). Analysis of Donald Trump’s tweets reveal distinct personality traits. Retrieved from
This article is an analysis of Donald Trump’s tweets during the presidential campaign into his election win, and now as the President of the United States of America. He tweets often and at times, the public is let in disbelief, shock, and puzzled as it all depends on what political affiliated the reader belongs to. “President Donald Trump’s tweets frequently cause a stir, leaving the public in disbelief, shock, and often puzzled, depending on the political affiliation of the reader.” Overall, the traits portrayed by Trump are distinct as the analysis concludes that “he’s creative, competitive, a rule-breaker, and that he shows neurotic tendencies.” As of July 2017, a total of 35,400 tweets had been published by Trump since he joined Twitter back in 2009. When comparison with other entrepreneurs like Amazon’s Jeff Bezos, Trump is an individual that “shares many similar personality traits as other successful entrepreneurs, including being change-oriented and creative.”
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