
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

What Caused Trump's Emotional Outburst?

What Caused Trump's Emotional Outburst?

NZ Herald. (2020, December 11). Donald Trump's bizarre tweet: 'I just want to stop the world         from killing itself'.   want-to-stop-the-world-from-killing-itself/G5M62IEQRW6F7JPLEY5WH4H27Y/

On December 11, 2012, Trump sent a tweet saying, "I just want to stop the world from killing itself." The author of the article says that they were not certain what caused Trump's emotional outburst. however, someone had mentioned that the tweet was in response to news sent by Time Magazine revealing that Joe Biden and Kamala Harris were named person of the year.  Most Twitter users were confused by the tweet and reacted on different ways. Some were saying his son sent the tweet while others asked if he was high. The tone used by the president surprised many and mostly it’s because they did not understand it.

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