What Do Trump's Tweets Say About His Personality?
What Do Trump's Tweets Say About His Personality?
Springer. (July 25, 2017). What do Trump's tweets say about his personality? Retrieved from https://phys.org/news/2017-07-trump-tweets-personality.html
This article is an exploration of what traits are portrayed about Trump’s personality in his tweets. He was a U.S. entrepreneur and then ran for the office and successfully won the election to become the President. Some of his traits include: “being creative, competitive and a rule-breaker, but also has neurotic tendencies.” On average, Trump has been tweeting 12 times a day since he joined Twitter in 2009 and with his followers, it puts him at the second spot for the most followed politician, just behind former President Barrack Obama. Trump’s personality over the period he was campaigning before he became president was portrayed to be that of a typical entrepreneur. It implies that President Donald Trump is different because he is both an entrepreneur as well as a president and he tweets from his personal Twitter account. Additionally, he has to play his role as a political leader because he has to be successful at all frontiers.
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