
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

YouTube Suspends Trump's Account for Violating Policy

YouTube Suspends Trump's Account for Violating Policy

Fung, B. (2021, January 13). YouTube is suspending President Donald Trump's channel. CNN.

This article addresses Donald Trump’s YouTube account suspending. The author says that Donald Trump’s channel was suspended for at least a week and may be longer after it got a strike under the platforms policies. According to YouTube, one of his videos was considered to have incited violence and it was removed from the channel. Also, a video was removed from the White House’s channel for violating policy but that account was not suspended nor given a strike. The author says that by January 13th 2021, YouTube was the only major channel that had not suspended Trump’s account indefinitely. Facebook had suspended Trump indefinitely while Twitter banned him permanently from the platform. However, YouTube released a statement saying “we removed new content uploaded to the Donald J. Trump channel and issued a strike for violating our policies for inciting violence," and added that “in accordance with our long-standing strikes system, the channel is now prevented from uploading new videos or livestreams for a minimum of seven days—which may be extended." The author states that YouTube never made it clear on what remarks were made by Trump that triggered the suspension. The possible remarks that could have led to the suspension are "Big Tech is doing a horrible thing for our country and to our country, and I believe it's going to be a catastrophic mistake for them." and "It causes a lot of problems and a lot of danger ... there's always a counter-move when they do that, I've never seen such anger."

Good Karma for those who comment...