
Ravi Singh


Donald Trump Literature Reviews

Trump's Tweet that Votes Cannot Be Cast After the Polls Are Closed was Hidden by Twitter!

Trump's Tweet that Votes Cannot Be Cast After the Polls Are Closed was Hidden by Twitter!

Hatmaker, T. (2020, November 4). Twitter restricts Trump’s tweet claiming that foes would ‘steal’ the election – TechCrunch. TechCrunch.

On November 4th 2020, a day after the US elections Trump took to Twitter that the election was being stolen. He said in a tweet "We are up BIG, but they are trying to STEAL the Election. We will never let them do it. Votes cannot be cast after the Polls are closed! He wanted voting to be closed because some states were not done with voting and the incoming votes only added to Joe Biden's votes placing him on the lead. Twitter quickly hid the tweet labeling it as misinformation. His vote was in regards to vote-by-mail ballots that were coming in slowly and could have very impact on the election’s outcome. Once a tweet is flagged, it remains online, but the retweets, likes, and comments are disabled. That means there is no engagement with the tweet. This prevents the tweet from reaching more people.

Good Karma for those who comment...